World-Class Driver Support

We expertly manage breakdown events to ensure drivers are well-served, the right providers are assigned, services are performed as requested, and no more time, labor or materials are used than necessary. We also ensure accuracy by auditing every invoice we manage.

We relieve pressure on our customers’ call centers by filling specific service needs, or we offer comprehensive contact center services.

FleetAssist Software & Service

Our web-based software provides the industry’s smartest, easiest solution for managing unexpected maintenance events. It’s always on. Get a provider in minutes, track progress in real time, pay less overall, and benefit immediately.

Why TTN Fleet Solutions

We offer the industry’s most comprehensive suite of solutions. We back them up with irreplaceable technology, agents who have managed hundreds of thousands of maintenance events, and legendary driver service.

Half-a-Million Events a Year

We’ve established industry best practices for serving customers around the clock. And while many of the nation’s leading fleets use our full-service contact center solution, others manage their operations during the workday and switch to ours for nights, weekends, holidays, or any time they need extra support.

Trained Dispatch Technicians

Our knowledgeable, capable technicians answer calls or respond to alerts immediately. They act with a sense of urgency and keep drivers engaged throughout repair or recovery processes. Our technology mimics your protocols, decision processes, and OE specifications to maximize warranty claims. Outsource with us, and retain tremendous control over maintenance processes.

Industry-Leading Technology

Our technology platforms are designed to scale. They work for fleets of any size and offer everything fleets need to provide drivers a better experience. It would take years and tremendous investment to recreate our systems; yet we provide them to customers in a manner that’s affordable, intuitive, and customizable.

You Will Save Money

Discipline lowers costs. There’s no getting around it. Our technology and processes add discipline. We also add purchasing power, speed, careful auditing, and protocols designed to keep a lid on costs — both hard and soft. Our service pays for itself while you add focus to your primary business. We’ll also help you reduce driver turnover. No one treats drivers better, keeps them more informed, or gets them back on the road faster than TTN.

Better Business Results

Access the industry’s strongest network of tow, repair, and maintenance professionals. Achieve greater uptime for your fleet, at a lower cost.


Our ServicePlus provider network has qualified and proven members virtually everywhere in the U.S. We have the flexibility to reach most breakdowns in less than 45 minutes and have drivers back on the road within about an hour.


With TTN, you get complete control over maintenance and emergency events. Whether you’re using our full-service capabilities, our technology, or our network, you can see everything we’re doing for you in real time, with unprecedented visibility.


From the moment we’re alerted to a need for roadside assistance, we take expert care of your assets and drivers. We can do this for you as an outsourced solution, as a supplement to your call center operations, or via FleetAssist.